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Officials release ballot list of Horseshoe Bay city candidates


HORSESHOE BAY — Llano County officials on Sept. 14 released the ballot of candidates for Horseshoe Bay City Council.

Horseshoe Bay has opted to conduct its municipal election in November as opposed to May when other area city and school entities typically do so.

The candidates, all of whom are retirees, are listed in the order they will appear on the ballot:

• Craig Haydon (incumbent) a former executive with Southwestern Bell and AT&T, who is serving his second term (two-year terms) and is also the mayor pro-tem.

• Jerry Gray (I) who has 40 years’ experience in management in air-conditioning manufacturing; currently serving his first term as a council member.

• Kent Graham, who served as a CPA and partner in public accounting for 17 years.

• Frank Gracely Jr., who was in governmental affairs for AT&T for 36 years.

• Dennis Hoover, who owned and operated manufacturing companies for 25 years.

Incumbent David Pope, who is in his second term chose not to file to run for re-eleciton.

The top three vote getters will be elected to the at-large positions.

The deadline to register to vote is Oct. 11. Early voting is from Oct. 24-Nov. 4. The election is Nov. 8.