Bluebonnet Festival’s Rubber Ducky Race helps Literacy Highland Lakes

BURNET — Each year, a cadre of young rubber duckies start hitting the area lakes, ponds and any other body of water they can find in preparation for their biggest race of the year.
The annual Rubber Ducky Race draws hundreds of little yellow entrants as they swim their way for glory at the YMCA of the Highland Lakes at Galloway-Hammond in an effort to raise money for Literacy Highland Lakes. Sure, there can be only one winner, but these hardworking rubber duckies know all their efforts, regardless of how they finish, can make a difference in the lives of Highland Lakes residents learning to read, studying English, working toward their General Educational Development degree or striving to pass the citizenship test.
And you can help these duckies with a $5 sponsorship.
The race takes place April 12 at about 11:45 a.m. during the Burnet Bluebonnet Festival.
The race will start almost immediately after the Bluebonnet Festival Grand Parade. The race was originally going to take place on Hamilton Creek, but, because of the drought has dried up the creek, the ducks will now line up in the pool at the recreation center, 1601 S. Water St. (U.S. 281).
Rubber ducky sponsorships are available from Literacy Highland Lakes volunteers and at the Marble Falls, Kingsland and Burnet chambers of commerce.
Duck sponsors have an opportunity to win prizes based on their rubber ducky’s performance. First place nabs a $300 Salem’s Jewelry gift certificate and a large trophy; second place earns a $200 City Tire gift card and a medium trophy; and third place gets a $100 Ford & Crew Home and Hardware gift certificate and a small trophy.
There will be other prizes as well.
The Burnet Chamber of Commerce and Wells Fargo Bank in Burnet are also selling speciality rubber duckies for a $1 each. These ducks are dressed as doctors, nurses, rock stars, sports players, members of the military and other styles.
Proceeds benefit Literacy Highland Lakes, a volunteer-based, nonprofit organization. The race is the organization’s largest fundraiser.
Call (512) 756-7337 or email for more information on the programs or the Rubber Ducky Race.