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Central Texas Rhythm semipro basketball team making Marble Falls its home for games


MARBLE FALLS — The Central Texas Rhythm semiprofessional basketball team was already holding its practices in Marble Falls.

So after the team held two successful fundraisers in town, administrators decided to make Marble Falls the squad’s home for games.

“What made the decision for me was the benefit we did for Johnny Mosley’s family,” head coach Dennis O. Porter said.

Mosley, a graduate of Burnet High School, drowned at Inks Lake State Park in May. Several of the members of the Rhythm, including the coach, were friends of Mosley. And the team wanted to raise money to honor him and help his family, Porter said.

The Rhythm, which is a member of the United Basketball League, held a fundraiser in January and one on Oct. 25 in Marble Falls to benefit the Dell Children’s Medical Center of Central Texas.

The one in January raised $500.

The Rhythm were playing their home games at the Clay Madsen Recreation Center in Round Rock.

But Porter said it made more financial sense to play in the Marble Falls Middle School gymnasiums.

The team was able to raise $1,000 for Mosley’s family, which demonstrated the interest of local fans, the coach said.

“The turnout was so big,” he said. “It was very personal for us.”

The season tips off in January. Porter said he created the team with the aim of helping his players reach the next level of professional basketball. Many of them played college basketball or on other professional teams.

Porter said he will hold tryouts 6 p.m. Nov. 2 at First United Methodist Church, 1101 Bluebonnet Drive.

The coach said he hopes the team draws in many more fans.

“We want everybody to come out and be part of the Rhythm nation,” he said.