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Marble Falls Spring Break activities include movie showing, crafts, sports and more


MARBLE FALLS — Events for Spring Break 2013 were finalized during the regular meeting of the Marble Falls Parks and Recreation Commission on March 4.

Several local businesses have donated items to make each event more enjoyable for area children, Parks and Recreation Director Robert Moss said.

Two bicycles will be given away at the end of the week. “Those are the big prizes,” he said.

In addition, after the showing of the movie “Cars 2” on March 13, Moss said a movie poster and frame will be given away.

Commissioners voted to give Moss the authority to buy 25 T-shirts for children participating in Spring Break activities if he can find a good price for them and has extra money to make the purchase.

The commission is spending $1,000 on Spring Break activities with about half of that paying for the movie. That’s because of the copyright laws, Moss said.

“It’s the licensing requirements,” he said.

The commissioners also:

• were given a profit-and-loss sheet regarding Lakeside Pavilion. During the 2012 fiscal year, the total expenses were $67,950. Total revenue was $54,900. The debt service payment totals $74,000. Chairman David Rhodes, who served as a Marble Falls City Council member, said even though the pavilion doesn’t make enough money to cover maintenance costs, it brings other revenue to the city. He said many functions, such as workshops, retreats and weddings, bring people into the community who then eat at restaurants, stop at convenience stores and sleep in hotels.

“I think it’s important we look at this as a community resource,” he said.

• The hiking-and-biking trail is “in a holding pattern,” Moss said, until the department receives word if the city was awarded a Texas Parks and Wildlife Department grant, which should be in May. Parks and recreation workers are trying to finish painting and other small projects before the mowing season gets into full gear.


March 11 – bowling for children in pre-kindergarten through fifth grade 10 a.m.-noon and for sixth grade and older 1-3 p.m. at Lake Country Lanes, located at U.S. 281 North and Northridge

March 12 – disc golf clinic and play at Westside Park, 1610 Second St., (limited to 30 participants) 10 a.m.-noon (lunch provided); crafts at Home Depot, 1307 Mormon Mill Road, 10 a.m.-noon (popcorn and drinks provided); ultimate Frisbee clinic/play at Johnson Park, 230 Ave. J South, 1-3 p.m.

March 13 – “Cars 2” movie showing at Lakeside Pavilion, 307 Buena Vista, 10 a.m.-noon (lunch and drinks provided)

March 14 – The Singing Zoologist at Marble Falls Public Library, 101 Main St., 10:30-11:30 a.m.; 3-on-3 co-ed basketball tournament at Westside Park, 1610 Second St., 1-3 p.m.

• March 15 – Verus Strength and Fitness Obstacle Course with coach Calvin at Westside Park, 1610 Second St., 11 a.m.-noon (lunch provided); Just Dance Challenge and ice cream social at Lakeside Pavilion, 307 Buena Vista, 1-3 p.m.