Lunch and Learns to give small businesses in Marble Falls competitive edge

MARBLE FALLS — Growing a small business takes both dollars and “sense,” according to local business leaders.
“It’s competitive. It’s a wonderful environment, but it has lots of challenges. A mom-and-pop can’t do it all,” said Bill Rives, executive director of the Marble Falls/Lake LBJ Chamber of Commerce. “But you have to have a good staff.”
PHOTO: Consultant Francie Dix (left) of Dix Services reviews key points on employee relations with Marble Falls/Lake LBJ Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Bill Rives for her upcoming Lunch and Learn workshop May 8. The chamber is hosting monthly business sessions on the second Wednesday of each month. The events will be held at the chamber office, 916 Second St. in Marble Falls. The programs are open to the public. Staff photo by Connie Swinney
To help local merchants utilize good sense about staff and day-to-day operations, the chamber is hosting a series of monthly information sessions, called Lunch and Learns, which start Jan. 9.
Topics include fraud protection, business taxes, computer security, launching a business, social media and employee relations.
“With the retailers I work with, they’ve got great products, a great work ethic,” Rives said. “They would love to have more customers and have the chance to expand.”
The sessions, which are open to the public, are the second Wednesday of the month at the chamber office, 916 Second St.
“A lot of the ways to be successful is by doing a lot of little things well,” Rives said. “As our businesses expand, as our customer base expands, as people get to know Marble Falls, and they come for tourism and special events, what can (the business owner) do that’s going to help your business look (its) best, be (its) best.”
(Sessions start at noon unless otherwise noted.)
Jan. 9 — Hospitality Workshop, Opportunity Strategies, LLC
Feb. 19 and 21 — Quickbooks, Texas State University Small Business Development Center (10 a.m.-3 p.m. both days)
March 13 — Microsoft Office, Hogan Consulting
April 10 — Smart Phones, Marble Falls AT&T representative
May 8 — Employee Relations, Dix Services
June 12 — Starting A Business, SCORE Counselors to America’s Small Business
July 12 — Business Plan, SCORE Counselors to America’s Small Business
Sept. 11 — Social Media, Westview Marketing
Oct. 9 — Computer Security, Hogan Consulting
Nov. 13 — Shop Local Program
Dec. 11 — Small Business Insurance, Tex-Health Central Texas
For more, call the chamber at (830) 693-2815.