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Marble Falls announces detours around Avenue N construction; Johnson Park closed for weekend

MARBLE FALLS — The closure of Johnson Park the weekend of Oct. 12-13, coupled with repairs to Avenue N at the J.M. Huber Corp., means travelers to Meadowlakes will have to use an alternate route.

Johnson Park, 230 Ave. J South, is temporarily off-limits to vehicles because of the annual Scout-A-Rama, which is expected to attract up to 300 Scouts.

Meanwhile, work to Avenue N around the railroad tracks could last through early November, officials said.

The alternate route through the park — which includes Pecan Valley — will reopen after Scout-A-Rama concludes

Meanwhile, detours for the weekend will require motorists to either travel farther along Avenue S using Broadway Avenue and/or Industrial Avenue and RR 1431 West.

Or, drivers can travel along Avenue N to Second Street, detouring to Avenue S as a possible entry and exit point, leading to and from Meadowlakes and Pecan Valley.

Officials said the repairs around the railroad tracks will limit wear and tear on the road while also reducing dust. The plant in the heart of the city is located near two parks and several residences.

Huber, a mining company, is helping foot the bill for the improvements.

Crews will perform the upgrades near and along the railroad lines just north of Meadowlakes.

After the park reopens, detours include:

• Southbound Avenue N traffic detours right along Second Street to Avenue S or left along Second Street to Avenue J through Johnson Park.

• Northbound Avenue N traffic detours left along Johnson Street to Avenue S or right along Johnson Street to Avenue J through Johnson Park.

For more, call (830) 693-3615.